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That's a really interesting plot-twist, if we can say so! That's quite a profound message... I hope Gary will feel better!

Thank you for making this! <3

Aww thank you for reading it and I am sure with the right choices, anything is possible for Gary. Thank you so much again! ( ^_^)


Hey, hello! What a surprise to see Garry in a game (and keeping his name moreover!)

It was also a very touching game. I enjoyed how the whole truth about the client (to avoid spoilers) is only revealed if we choose to break the routine. And this reveal is a very good one which changes the perspective of the story, and the view we have on the character (from a neglectful psychologist/therapist to something much more heartbreaking in ending 1).

Congrats on making this game and thanks for using Garry!


Thank you so much! Yes i decided his name was still perfect and only changed it up slightly for coding purposes (im newer with renpy so it helps to have the dmall differences with everything.) And he was perfect! He legit looks like my therapist so I had to make it in honor of my muse lol he's a perfect character and I loved him! I'm glad you liked the game and the outcomes and that they moved you. 🥰